
Preparing for the Storm

CINF Responds to COVID-19, Begins Online Phytotherapeutics Lessons

On March 23rd, 2020, CINF – in collaboration with the Shushi University of Technology – began online courses in phytotherapeutics . The target audience are those future Artsakhtsi interns, who were selected as candidates for the CINF Vocational Program Internship for a phytotherapeutic medicine company in the Dolomites in June of this year. With the spread of COVID-19 to Armenia – where there are currently more than 500 persons who have been infected by the virus – the Board of CINF convened and decided to invite the CEO of the phytotherapeutic medicine company, Nicola De Zordi, to hold online courses for the interns whom he had invited to work with him.

Dr. De Zordi, whose company is in Maras, readily agreed. “My aim,” he said, “Is to share our knowledge of the specific natural remedies that can boost immune systems, alleviate lung stress, and act as antipyretics. It is also to acquaint my students with the symptomatology and casuistry of COVID-19, with which Italians have much to everyone’s horror become very well acquainted.”

Dr. De Zordi, whose company is SAM – Società Agricola Moldoi (Agricultural Company of Moldoi), had intended to go to Artsakh in March. He and his colleagues are excited by the prospect of working alongside the Artsakhsti and analyzing the rich variety of flora in Artsakh. He hopes to work online with his interns and guide them in their production of phytotherapeutic medicines to be made available to the people of Artsakh. With Dr. De Zordi’s permission, CINF has decided to share his lessons publicly, so that individuals around the world might use this knowledge to defend themselves against COVID-19. Watch recordings of these online lectures at https://cinfusa.org/covid-19-lessons-in- phytotherapeutics/.