Artsakh Laboratory Building Selected


As part of the upcoming vocational program, CINF and the various Ministries of Artsakh plan to establish a “laboratory”. The laboratory will include, at least, a restaurant, a carpentry shop, and a hair salon. In their senior year of the program, CINF’s vocational students will spend a year of practical study in these hands-on workshops, […]

CINF Raises 3K for Lebanese Christians


In a Facebook fundraiser at the end of the fall, CINF raised $3,000 to support Lebanese Christian communities. These funds will be distributed by Dr. Antoine A. Saad, a Lebanese human rights activist. Protests, which lasted nearly two weeks, ended in the resignation of Lebanon’s Prime Minister, Saad Hariri. The general Lebanese community still wishes […]

Vocational Internships in Italy


In addition to vocational courses planned to begin in 2020, CINF is also preparing for a series of vocational internships in Italy. These internships are offered by Italian master craftsmen to Artsakhtsi youth. Internships include cheese making, ham making, wine making, hospitality, and cosmetology. In this coming year, 10-12 Artsakhtsi will be sent to Italy […]

Former Artsakh Prime Minister and Family Visit Italy


In late November, Artsakh’s former Prime Minister Arayik Harutyunyan, his wife and CINF Board member Christina Harutyunyan, and his daughter Lusine, made a visit to Italy, specifically to connect with the Chambers of Commerce of the Veneto and see the Istituto Scolastico “Don Carlo Gnocchi” in Milan. The Istituto Scolastico “Don Carlo Gnocchi” is partnering […]

Vice-Principle of Stepanakert Technical School Meets with Don Carlo Gnocchi Hospitality School in Milan


On October 7th, Varduhi Balayan, the Vice-Principal of the Stepanakert Technical School arrived in Italy. The trip was on official invitation from the Istituto Scolastico “Don Carlo Gnocchi” – that has one of the best hospitality schools in Italy. The Istituto Scolastico “Don Carlo Gnocchi” is interested in partnering with CINF and the Stepanakert Technical […]

$25,000 Grant for Network Program


At the end of August, CINF received a $25,000 grant from the Theresa and Edward O’Toole Foundation to begin an American-based program. The program, The Network for American Excellence, will work with American undergraduates to give them the resources, opportunities, and connections to ensure they become excellent American leaders. CINF has already begun to prepare […]