CINF has established an experienced team to oversee the success of this project and support Nicola and his students in the eventual production of medicines in Artsakh. So far, our team includes an Armenian medical doctor, an Armenian biologist, and an American pharmacist. As the program grows, we expect this team of experts to grow as well.
Our team has determined a five step plan for the project to move forward: Research, Production, Testing, Marketing, and Selling. CINF is now in phase one of this plan.
CINF’s Regional Coordinator in Artsakh and her assistant are now working on the Research phase. They are in the process of writing three crucial lists: a list of plants available in Armenia/Artsakh, a list of remedies currently used in Armenia/Artsakh, and which of these home-made products are being sold in local pharmacies.
Preparing for phase two of the plan, one of Nicola’s students has begun to experiment with the extraction of oils. A number of promising plants will be tested with these oils once the Research phase is complete.